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Filing an application
Kindly indicate first of all whether you are a consumer or a trader.
You are
consumer trader
Attention Dear user, the Mediator of consumption may reject your application if you have not submitted a complaint to the other party in an attempt to resolve your dispute directly with that party. You may continue to fill in the present form and file your application or you may contact the Mediator of consumption in order to obtain further information. Thank you very much.
Attention ! Dear user, the Mediator of consumption may reject your application if the complaint submitted to the other party dates back more than one year. You may continue to fill in the present form and file your application or you may contact the Mediator of consumption in order to obtain further information. Thank you very much.
Attention ! Dear user, the Mediator of consumption may reject your application if the dispute has been or is at present being examined by another alternative dispute resolution entity, an arbitration tribunal or a court, whether national or foreign. You may continue to fill in the present form and file your application or you may contact the Mediator of consumption in order to obtain further information. Thank you very much.